Planet Love

8 September – 19 November 2023

Opening reception 7-9 pm, 7 September.

Open until 9pm for Nuit Blanche, 23 September 2023.

It is a magnificent thing to be alive in a moment that matters so much.

–Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katherine K. Wilkinson, All We Can Save

This exhibition is grounded in the belief that most people love our planet and that when hope and action are entangled, important, lifesaving things happen.

The causes of the climate crisis and mass extinctions and the unjust distribution of loss and pain have deep roots in colonialism, imperialism, industrialisation, and unrestrained capitalism.  Although these roots may be deep, a great many people have a sense of fairness and reciprocity that runs deeper—taproots that connect us to our humanity and capacity for love that outweigh self-interest, fear, and greed.

Love and art are forces to be reckoned with. They can enable us to do things we might otherwise think impossible. They can help us connect with nature and understand that we are nature, not separate from it.

Our planet needs our love, love of the fiercest, most imaginative, hopeful and active kind.

Curated by hannah_g.

AO Roberts, Cheryl Zubrack, Chimwemwe Undi, Colleen Cutschall, Darren Stebeleski, David Heinrichs, Helga Jakobson, Jamie Wright, Jonato Dalayoan, Moneca Sinclaire, Phil Brake, Reza Rezai, Sarah Ciurysek, Sarah Anne Johnson, Sonny Cai, Shawna Dempsey & Lorri Millan, Toby Gillies, Victoria Mamnguqsualuk, Yvonne Carlson.

Click here for the EXHIBITION ESSAY.

Click to view the recently published JUST TRANSITION GUIDE: Indigenous-led Pathways Toward Equitable Climate Solutions and Resiliency in the Climate Crisis.


Planet Love is a life affirming, joy generating exhibition of local artists at Galerie Buhler Gallery that is centred on encouraging people to engage with preserving our planet with hope and resolve.

Art is a great source of hope and resolve, and so GBG is providing free art to the public that will serve as inspiration to keep fighting for and loving our planet.

Five of the artworks from the Planet Love exhibition have been reproduced as etchings on metal plates that are fixed to public places around and beyond Winnipeg. You are invited to visit each one to make a rubbing, and so have a piece of art by a local artist for your home that will also act as a beautiful reminder to care for our planet.

Artists: Sarah Anne Johnson, Jonato Dalayoan, David Heinrichs, Moneca Sinclaire, Shawna Dempsey & Lorri Millan.

Locations: FortWhyte Alive!. University of Winnipeg, Artspace, Millennium Library, St. Boniface Hospital.

Click here to get the map to find all the brasses!

Exhibition logo: Matea Radic.

Design: Meganelizabeth Diamond

With thanks to Advanced Environmental for their support of the Planet Love brass rubbings project.

There are a number of free activities associated with this exhibition. Please note that some activities are only offered to the staff and volunteers at St. Boniface Hospital and are not open to the general public.

Manitoba Chamber Orchestra concert series

Music on a Planet Love theme will be played every week in GBG by members of the Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, compliments of the Artists in Healthcare program. Starting at 7pm on & September for the opening reception.

Free Bike Tune-Ups by The WRENCH Tuesday 12 September, 12-4pm

Free bike tune-ups for the St. B staff and volunteers! Minor repairs and adjustments. They can fix a flat, adjust brakes, adjust gear shifting, tighten loose bolts, adjust bike fit (saddle and handlebar position), and apply lubricant. No registration, just roll up to the bike cage near the Sisters’ Garden.

Native Plant Identification Walk by Jenna Vandal Tuesday 19th September, 12.30- 1.30pm

Places limited. Registration required. Email [email protected], with the subject line: “Plant Walk”.

Jenna is Metis naturalist and activist who delivers Native plant identification walks in both English and French. She’s been facilitating these walks since 2019 in urban greenspaces in and around Winnipeg. These walks include sharing knowledge on the identification of prairie plants, their edible and medicinal uses, as well as their Indigenous names. She also shares resources to help start people on their own plant identification journeys.

Climate Hope Circle – Hannah Godfrey | Weekly in October for 4 sessions.

Places limited. Registration required. Email [email protected], with the subject line: “Climate Circle”.

Many of us feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the climate emergency. But you don’t need to become a scientist or lawyer to make a meaningful and tangible contribution to the solutions. I have been trained in climate change coaching by the Climate Change Coaches organisation.

These group sessions for staff and volunteers aim to create clarity for individuals within a supportive group setting about what they are actually feeling and thinking about the climate crisis and what they want to do as a result. From there we devise actions that will enable participants to cope, hope, and make a difference.

Hannah Godfrey/hannah_g is a writer, artist, curator, and Co Active coach, with special training from the Climate Change Coaches association. She is part of the climate solutions movement that is urgently working to save our planet.

Canadian Coalition of Green Healthcare presentation | St. B. Environmental Committee

Friday 27 October 10-11 am, at GBG and live streamed. No registration required.

Come learn how dedicated healthcare professionals from across the country are working together to minimize the ecological impact of the Canadian healthcare system. The Canadian Coalition for Green Healthcare is a proud national organization dedicated to ensuring environmental sustainability. Through collaborative research projects, initiatives, education, and celebration the CCGHC is working towards a greener future for Canadian healthcare.

Dr. Myles Sergeant is a family physician who has worked with vulnerable populations, including people experiencing homelessness and/or addictions, and the elderly, over the past 25 years.

Recognizing the intersection between environmental issues and health, he is dedicated to addressing climate change issues and has co- founded Partnerships for Environmental Action by Clinicians and Communities for Health care facilities (, the charity Trees for Hamilton in 2012 (,  and the not-for-profit Shelter Health Network in 2005 ( He is now the Executive Director of the Canadian Coalition for Green Healthcare. Myles can be reached at  [email protected]

Katie North is a registered nurse based in Winnipeg Manitoba. She graduated from the RN program with Université Saint Boniface in 2011 and completed her bachelors of nursing in 2012 with U Ottawa. She has worked for nearly a decade in a variety of clinical and management roles. In 2021 she returned to school and completed a masters of nursing with a focus in healthcare leadership with Athabasca University. Katie is currently enrolled in the Doctorate of nursing program with University of Saskatchewan and is completing an environmentally focused research project aimed at large scale healthcare system and cultural changes towards a sustainable future. She currently works as a program team manager for St. Boniface Hospital (SBGH) in Winnipeg since 2022 and teaches courses for the BN program with Université de Saint Boniface (USB). She also serves on a number of environmentally focused committees including the Sustainability development committee for USB, Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment, Manitoba Nurses for Health and Environment Collective, Canadian Coalition for Green Healthcare; as well as Association of Regulated Nurses of Mb Governance Committee.

Click here to see the presentation by the Canadian Coalition of Green Healthcare.

Presentation by St. B’s Environment Committe

Click here to view the Environmental Sustainability Committee presentation.

The environmental sustainability committee (ESC) is a new group that was developed to assist the organization by working towards its’ new strategic priority of sustainability. We plan to fully launch the committee in the coming months and employees may anticipate hearing about small projects and objectives for our team over the course of the year. We look forward to helping SBGH become a greener facility and celebrating with the Buhler Gallery for Planet Love. For more info contact [email protected] .

Building a Future Beyond Fossil Fuels: Organizing for a Just Transition in Manitoba— Laura Cameron

Addressing climate change requires that we move quickly away from fossil fuels—a transition that will impact every facet of our society. How do we ensure that this transition leads to a more safe, equitable energy future for all? Across Canada and around the world, momentum is building for a ‘just transition’ to renewable energy and a fair society. This workshop will look at the history and current organizing for a just transition, discuss the current political context and opportunities of the movement, and facilitate a conversation on ways to participate in advocacy at various levels of government.

Laura Cameron is researcher, filmmaker and community organizer based on Treaty 1 territory in Winnipeg. She currently works as a policy analyst at the International Institute for Sustainable Development, in the areas of fossil fuel subsidies, just transition and oil and gas policy in Canada.

Amour de la planète

Du 8 septembre au 19 novembre 2023

Être en vie à un moment qui importe autant est une chose extraordinaire.

­‑-Ayana Elizabeth Johnson et Katherine K. Wilkinson. « Onward », tiré de All We Can Save

Cette exposition est fondée sur la conviction que la plupart des gens aiment notre planète et que si l’espoir et l’action s’entremêlent, il se produit des choses importantes qui sauvent des vies.

Les causes de la crise climatique, des extinctions massives et de la distribution injuste des pertes et de la douleur sont ancrées dans le colonialisme, l’impérialisme, l’industrialisation et le capitalisme effréné. Malgré le fait que ces racines soient profondes, de nombreuses personnes ont un sens de l’équité et de la réciprocité qui l’est encore plus — des racines pivot, qui nous lient aux aspects de notre humanité et l’emportent sur nos intérêts personnels, nos peurs et notre avidité.

L’amour et l’art sont des forces à ne pas négliger. Ils peuvent nous permettre de réaliser des choses qui pourraient autrement nous sembler impossibles. Ils peuvent nous aider à être en lien avec la nature et à comprendre que nous sommes la nature, que nous n’en sommes pas séparés.

Notre planète a besoin de notre amour, de l’amour le plus féroce, le plus imaginatif, le plus plein d’espoir et le plus dynamique qui soit.

Plusieurs activités gratuites sont offertes en lien avec cette exposition :

Une réception d’ouverture le 7 septembre, de 19 h à 21 h.

Un cercle du climat pour permettre au personnel de discuter de ses inquiétudes et de ses espoirs en ce qui concerne la crise climatique.

Un atelier de réparation de bicyclettes par W.R.E.N.C.H.

Une promenade d’identification de plantes indigènes avec Jenna Vandal.

Une présentation de la Coalition canadienne pour un système de santé écologique.

Un atelier sur la transition juste.

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